Friday, January 11, 2013

Kleancolors 167 Metallic Purple Swatch

Last year, I had ordered a whole bunch of polishes and a friend of mine had brought them along while coming down to India. I actually asked her to not bring her any clothes if the space for polishes needs to be compromised upon as I could easily lend her clothes (Disregarding the height and the size difference but then again, I could have just taken her shopping).

Anyway, I have just used only few polishes from that stash. I have already reviewed Orly Gumdrop and I got 5-6 Kleancolor metallic polishes as they stamp nicely(or so I have heard).

Kleancolor Metallic Purple:
The polish has a really nice consistency. The second coat was not really required but I still applied it because it lasts longer.
The images you see are without any top coat and it still looks very metallic(for lack of a better word). The colour is darker and richer than it appears in pictures.


Price: USD 3.49 for 15ml but you can get them cheaper on-line.

Smell: Some people find the smell pungent but I'd say it smells like a polish, nothing more or maybe my nose is just blocked!

With flash.